Dental Savings Plan




You are eligible for the ADC Plan if:

·        You are currently an active or a new patient of our practice.

·        You do not have dental insurance.


Plan Benefits:

·        You will receive 2 routine exams (Comprehensive or Periodic)

·        Routine Xrays (Panoramic Film or Bitewings)

·        Fluoride treatment 1 per year.

·        10% off services in office.

·        No deductibles, monthly premiums or waiting periods.


With no dental coverage:

2- Exams                   $132

2 routine cleanings    $228                  Total:  $668.00

Xrays                         $257

Fluoride                      $51


ADC dental savings plan:

2- Exams                     Included

2- Routine cleaning     Included            Total:   $425.00

Xrays                           Included

Fluoride x 1                 Included

Membership Fee             $425.00


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